As of this morning, I was invited to participate in enough webrings to start one myself. The Buddhist Blogs webring is open and accepting new members. The introduction is posted as follows:
If you blog frequently about any aspect of Buddhism (dharma study, practice within a specific tradition, meditation, rituals, or your Buddhist take on current issues and affairs) join this webring so like-minded Bloggers can find and support your site. This webring is limited to blogs/personal journals only... no commercial sites.
To join, visit the home page and submit your site. I will receive your application, check to make sure you have the webring code on your site, and more than likely add you to the ring (I will automatically deny commercial sites and sites with "mature" content).
I'm preparing to leave for a five-night vacation in the morning, so if you sign up today it is likely that I can approve your site tonight. Otherwise, please be patient... I might not have Internet access again until next weekend (how will I ever survive).
Please send your suggestions if you have ideas on how to improve the webring. I'm borrowing the "Buddhist Blogs" image that I've found on several blogs... I don't know who created the image, so if you know please let me know.